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Reading the Results of the Business Impact Calculator

Written by An editorial | Jul 22, 2024 4:35:52 PM

After submitting your assessments, the Business Impact Calculator will give you an impact score. Here's how to interpret the results:

High Impact Score (70% - 100%):
Meaning: The opportunity has a high potential for success.
Action: Prioritize this opportunity and allocate resources accordingly.

Moderate Impact Score (40% - 69%):
Meaning: The opportunity is viable but may come with certain challenges.
Action: Consider pursuing this opportunity but be prepared to invest additional resources to overcome challenges.

Low Impact Score (0% - 39%):
Meaning: The opportunity has low potential for success.
Action: Approach this opportunity with caution. Reevaluate the factors contributing to the low score and explore alternatives or adjustments to improve feasibility.


This simple tool aids in making informed business decisions by assessing opportunities in terms of market size, growth potential, market cap, and their significance. By utilizing this tool, business professionals can gain valuable insights into the potential success of various opportunities within their industry.

Understanding market dynamics, growth projections, and the overall impact of a particular opportunity can guide strategic decision-making and resource allocation. It empowers professionals to prioritize initiatives that align with their goals and have the highest potential for success, leading to more effective and efficient business outcomes.