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The Expansive World of Websites: A Data-Driven Analysis

Written by Liyam Flexer | Aug 19, 2024 1:04:19 PM

The World Wide Web, often referred to simply as "the internet," is an ever-expanding universe of websites, pages, and data that connects billions of people around the globe. In this comprehensive guide, we dive into the latest statistics and trends that define the internet in 2024, including the dominance of WordPress, the number of people online, the various types of websites, and much more.

1. How Many Websites Are Built on WordPress?

WordPress remains the most popular content management system (CMS) in the world. As of 2024:

  • 43.2% of all websites on the internet use WordPress as their CMS. This figure translates to millions of websites globally.
  • Top Websites: Among the top million websites, 36% use WordPress, while 20% of the top 100,000 and 14% of the top 10,000 websites rely on the platform.
  • Growth in Usage: WordPress continues to grow due to its flexibility, ease of use, and a large community of developers who contribute plugins and themes that extend its functionality.

Highlight: 43.2% of all websites use WordPress as their CMS.

Sources: W3Techs, "Usage Statistics and Market Share of WordPress," 2024.

2. How Many People Are Online?

The global internet user base continues to expand:

  • Global Users: As of June 2024, approximately 5.18 billion people are online, representing about 65% of the global population.
  • Mobile Users: 92.6% of all internet users access the web through mobile devices at some point, highlighting the importance of mobile-friendly websites.

Highlight: 5.18 billion people are online, representing 65% of the global population.

Sources: Statista, "Global Internet User Statistics," 2024.

3. Types of Websites on the Internet

Websites can be categorized based on their function, content, and audience. Some of the most common types include:

  • Static Websites: These are non-editable brochure sites that present information without interactive elements.
  • Dynamic Websites: Editable sites with user engagement features like login areas, content updates, and e-commerce functionalities.
  • E-commerce Sites: Platforms dedicated to selling products or services online, such as Amazon or eBay.
  • Web Applications: Websites that function like software applications, offering services such as email, file storage, or online banking.

Highlight: 36% of the top 1 million websites are dynamic, user-engaged platforms.

Sources: Method & Class, "Website Types and Categories," 2024.

4. How Much Information Is on the Internet?

The internet is a vast repository of information, constantly growing as users and organizations add content every second:

  • Global Data Volume: By 2025, global internet traffic is expected to reach 175 zettabytes, driven by user-generated content, media uploads, and the proliferation of IoT devices.
  • Google's Index: As of 2024, Google has indexed approximately 50 billion web pages, though this number fluctuates based on algorithm changes and content updates.

Highlight: Google has indexed 50 billion web pages as of 2024.

Sources: Cisco, "Global Internet Traffic Forecast," 2025; World Wide Web Size Project, 2024.

5. The Size of the World Wide Web (The Internet)

The sheer size of the internet can be measured in various ways:

  • Indexed Web: As of August 19, 2024, the indexed web contains at least 3.88 billion pages.
  • Dutch Indexed Web: The Dutch segment of the indexed web contains at least 653.82 million pages.

Highlight: 3.88 billion pages are indexed on the web as of August 2024.

Sources: Tilburg University, "Indexed Web Research Project," 2024.

6. How Big Is the Internet Today?

The internet's size can be understood through various lenses:

  • Physical Size: If printed on paper, the entire web would occupy roughly 2% of the Amazon rainforest, based on a 2015 estimate.
  • Digital Footprint: The digital size of the internet is projected to reach 175 zettabytes by 2025, encompassing text, images, video, and more.
  • User Contribution: With 5.18 billion users contributing daily, the internet's size continues to expand exponentially.

Highlight: The internet is expected to reach 175 zettabytes by 2025.

Sources: University of Leicester, "Physical Size of the Internet," 2015; Cisco, "Global Internet Traffic Forecast," 2025.

7. What Was the First Website?

The first website ever created was launched on August 6, 1991, by Tim Berners-Lee:

  • Content: The site provided information about the World Wide Web project, including instructions on hypertext and guidelines for creating web pages.
  • Historical Significance: This website marked the beginning of the World Wide Web, laying the foundation for the internet as we know it today.

The original site is still accessible, offering a historical look at the early days of the web.

Highlight: The first website was launched in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee.

Sources: CERN, "History of the First Website," 1991.

8. The Most Visited Websites in the World (2024)

In 2024, the most visited websites globally reflect the dominance of a few key players:

  • Google: The most visited website worldwide, dominating in search and other online services.
  • YouTube: A close second, with billions of users accessing video content daily.
  • Leading in the e-commerce category, particularly in China.
  • Facebook: A major player in social media, consistently ranking in the top 5.

Highlight: Google and YouTube dominate global web traffic, with billions of visits daily.

Sources: SimilarWeb, "Global Website Rankings," 2024.

9. The Most Visited Websites in the US (2024)

In the United States, the most visited websites mirror global trends, with a few regional differences:

  • Continues to be the most visited site, offering a range of services from search to cloud computing.
  • The second most visited site, with a massive user base in the US.
  • The leading e-commerce site, dominating online shopping.
  • Maintains a strong presence in the social media landscape.

Highlight: Google and YouTube are the top two most visited websites in the US.

Sources: SEMrush, "Top US Website Rankings," 2024.

The Internet

The internet is an expansive, ever-growing entity that connects billions of people and hosts millions of websites. From the dominance of WordPress to the size of the indexed web, understanding the intricacies of the internet requires a deep dive into the data and trends that define it. As we move further into the digital age, these insights will continue to shape how we interact with the web and leverage it for personal and professional growth.


  1. W3Techs, "Usage Statistics and Market Share of WordPress," 2024.
  2. Statista, "Global Internet User Statistics," 2024.
  3. Method & Class, "Website Types and Categories," 2024.
  4. Cisco, "Global Internet Traffic Forecast," 2025.
  5. World Wide Web Size Project, 2024.
  6. Tilburg University, "Indexed Web Research Project," 2024.
  7. University of Leicester, "Physical Size of the Internet," 2015.
  8. CERN, "History of the First Website," 1991.
  9. SimilarWeb, "Global Website Rankings," 2024.
  10. SEMrush, "Top US Website Rankings," 2024.